Discount System
- Bill wise 4 Discounts in percentage
- Item wise 2 Discount in percentage
- 2 Volume Discounts on Per Unit/Lumsum bases
- Company/Item/Party-Company/Party-Item Discount
- Company wise separate discount % for Cash/Credit parties
- Maximum discount limits Company/Item wise
- Date wise Rates, Schemes & Discount provision
- Quantity wise Discounts
- Provision for 1st & 2nd Discount only for reporting/commission (Not less in Bill)
- Ask for Discount change save in Party Special dealings
- Discount Lessby system ie 10%Disc.-2%Lesssby than Disc. Print 10% Calculate 9.8%
- Provision to Post discount amount in memorandum ledger
- Various provisions for Discount Calculation
- Provision for Bills discount on the bases of Bill Value
- Operator wise discount ban in issue/receipt
- Operator wise maximum discount